I stand for the anthem and kneel at the cross by Marcus Rogers
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''I stand for the anthem and kneel at the cross. I do acknowledge there are many problems in America. We are not perfect, only God is. We have so many brave men and women who died for our right to freedom of speech. I won't bash anybody, because I understand everybody has a different perspective and the only PURE truth is found in the word of God. The only hope for this world is found in Jesus. No man or woman will get put in to office and make things better. These are the last days. It will only get worse. It is important for the church to stand together. In the Army we have so many different kinds of people coming together and working as a team. I love it. It is a beautiful thing to experience.
As I transition out I hope that we can get the body of Christ to come together as one and fight against the kingdoms of hell, and not let the carnal battles of the world divide us. There is a Spiritual war being fought, the war in the flesh that we see is simply a distraction.
Jesus is coming soon. Focus on winning souls. The Bible and the Holy Spirit will help people with anything they will have to face or battle in this life and give them the power to overcome it. They want freedom give them Jesus. They want hope, give them Jesus. They want to overcome, give them Jesus. Jesus is the answer for the world today.''
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