YVONNE NELSON says ''PLS SHARE) Hello everyone , This is a call in the right direction, With Unity and team work, the dream will always come true.''
![Profile picture of YVONNE NELSON](https://scontent.flos2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/fr/cp0/e15/q65/16938635_10154358873126167_6258938442848874667_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9&_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeHJuWUcU6Z-2FYOWCOC81JnF9iDpf6fyle9xGLlvWRcDXlww4lFtp7cb6eDrErW2RTjfoGVh0XDN5Q7cp2-HPKtH7lG0KLOqaxCe4FH7nAFug&oh=4916cac6224fe71808717b1898f750b9&oe=5A60E5A4)
![Image may contain: text](https://scontent.flos2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/cp0/e15/q65/p480x480/21231194_10154906179536167_5695936907648007906_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9&_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeGv0IQ5r57D0y-vC6s3OHxIG95rtEEaB_sguVaEuJJDWw_tl7GwRlGz1wwzSgFtXtkVFVtvLxSnFsK4GsJMf-I69AG8IqLUl1jEImfUVdWMVg&oh=e416dd42f2cf98be0d425a40ea24fa37&oe=5A55714C)
🙏🏽PLS SHARE) Hello everyone , This is a call in the right direction, With Unity and team work, the dream will always come true.
For God and country, I humbly ask all stakeholders in the Ghana movie Industry, Actors,(upcomin g
actors) , Crew members , Avid Ghanaian movie watchers etc. to help us
present our Petition to the Government of Our beautiful Country Ghana,
this is for us, this is for our failing movie industry. Kindly locate a
petition form at these various locations and pen down a few details. All
we need are signatures to express the passion we all have for the
industry and how far we'll go to bring it back to life. ABC-pictures (
050 411 1200) spintex, YNProductions ( 0240595959) east legon, 7th art
Productions ( 0262314645) east legon, Naadie (0 26 795 6233) legon
campus , Belinda ( 024 551 0044) west legon
🙏🏽 @ameyaw112 @nkonkonsa @ghanareporter @ronnie_is_ever y_where_ @abeikusantana @realkayelliott @adjeteyanang @princedavidose i @yvonneokoro @marthaankomah @majidmichelmm @pascalamanfo @iamamamcbrown @iamkhareema @swagofafricane ws @belindadzattah @eddiewatsonjr @ecowsmith_asan te @iam_vanvicker @nakufoaddo @mbawumia @julietibrahim
For God and country, I humbly ask all stakeholders in the Ghana movie Industry, Actors,(upcomin
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