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So many bloggers have limited themselves to Google Adsense as the only way to make money from blogging. That is why they feel heart-broken when they are disapproved or banned by Google Adsense.

Buddy, your career is not over, if you are disapproved or banned. Yes, you read that right!

There are still several ways you can make money from blogging, even, more than you could ever imagine.

Remember what I told you, that you can live your dream life from blogging? It's not mouth-watering. It is no joke. You can actually make big money from blogging in so many ways, but I've highlighted the 10 simplest ways to monetize your blog below:
make money from blogging

#1. Pay per click advertising

Asides the most common pay per click advertising program, Google Adsense, there are some other PPC programs that let you display ads on your blog and pay you whenever a visitor clicks the ads.

Examples are:
chitika... Etc.

#2. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products on your blog. You find a product you like, promote it to others (using your blog) and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.

Places you can find products to promote include:
JumiaAffiliate Program

#3. Sell ads spaces

Another way to make money from your blog is by selling advertisement spaces on your blog directly to companies looking to advertise to large audiences. You can place "Advertise here" banners as widgets on your blog, and get paid when a company buys the ads spaces.

Places you can let your people know you’re selling ad spaces include:


#4. Sell your own products

You can also market your own products to your visitors on your blog, and get paid when a visitor buys your products. It does not necessarily need to be a physical product. It can be an "eBook" that you write on your own, or any other digital products.

#5. Accept sponsored posts (paid posts)

Sponsored posts are exactly the same as blog posts, but they are written for the purpose of marketing products or piece of information. Companies or individuals contact you directly to sponsor a post on your blog, and you get paid when their post goes live on your blog.

Places to sign up for sponsored posts includes:
TapInfluence... Etc

#6. Create a service or "Hire me" page

When you're good at something, let your blog visitors know in case they might need your service. Having a "hire me" page lets your visitors know the kinds of services you render, and you get paid when you deliver the services.

Services you could render on your blog include:

Blog and website development
Blog and logo designing
Blog coaching... Etc.

#7. Become a freelance writer

A freelancer writer is someone who writes content (blog posts, for example) for other people and gets paid. If you're really good at writing content, you can use your blog as a portfolio to people who hire freelance writers or sign up on freelance websites.

Websites that you can sign up on include:

#8. Host paid seminars and webinars

You can also share your ideas with your blog visitors by holding offline seminars and webinars (online or web seminars), and charge them a particular amount.

Read this tip by Tutplus on how to host a webinar using Google Hangout

#9. Products reviews

This is similar to sponsored posts. You can also make money by writing paid reviews on your site. You only get to try out products related to your niche for free and even get paid for writing a review.
You can reach out to companies by asking them about doing a paid review for them on your blog.

You can start with these websites:

#10. Build your own email lists

The last thing I would want you to make money from your blog is “building your own email list”. Building email list is a systematic way of collecting emails from your blog visitors by offering them free or discounted products.
You might not make money directly from an email list, but you can always use an email list to boost your income from all other sources on your blog.

So, if anyone tells you Google Adsense is only the way to make money from your blog, you can go ahead and proof them wrong.

All the same, you need a lot of traffic to make a penny from your blog. Without traffic, there’s no money. So, you got to work hard for traffic with the tips I gave above.


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