"Look out of the window and you will see that my men outnumber yours by four to one. Try any trick and none of us here is going home alive. I gave you people chance to campaign, you did not. I gave you chance to rig, you did not. Now, you want to hijack. Tell the returning officer to announce my result otherwise there will be bloodbath here"
(Nzeribe speaking to the Commissioner of Police in 1983 when his Election result was about to be hijacked)
Authur came back with a Financial Chest Larger than Life itself in the Early 90's.
This was the full proper immersion of Authur Nzeribe into the "POLITICAL WEB OF ATTRICTION,CONSPIRACY AND BETRAYAL". Many people and closed Acquaintances have alledged and "POTRAYED" Authur as a Two Edged sword and a serial political Betrayer. More of this article would reveal this as a Fact or Fiction.
Hear him in an Interview some Years ago
"It is common knowledge that I was a financial pillar of the defunct Social Democratic Party (SDP). I ran effortlessly the activities of the party in the entire Eastern States from funds made available from the Trusts. It was an irrefutable fact that I financed candidates nationwide both in the NRC and SDP at ALL LEVEL of candidature including State Governorships. It was my political ingenuity and serious financial commitment that helped the cognomen "CARIA STATES" make the remarkable impact that the SDP made in all the Southern States. This represented the thrust of my financial commitment to that political party".
He financed the Electioneering process of M.K.O Abiola in the whole Eastern states including the State Levels.
It was said that He had a Gubernatorial Ambition which led him into publishing the masterpiece "IMO MARSHAL PLAN CHARTER 90: HOW ARTHUR WILL GOVERN IMO STATE."
By June 12 1993, Nigeria stood still for M.K.O Abiola who was alleged to have won the Election with 58.36%(8,341,309) of total casted votes over Bashir Tofa's 41.64%.
This same AUTHUR NZERIBE who had financed Abiola's Election formed The defunct Association for Better Nigeria (ABN), the pressure group which He claimed that legitimately and constitutionally went to court under the due process of law and obtained the judgement restraining the conduct and eventually the non-release of the results of the presidential elections of that year [JUNE 12 ELECTION RESULTS] by the electoral commission.
Finally, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babaginda annulled the Freest and Fairest Election which Led Nigeria into a season of Uproar and Violence that lasted for almost a year which led to Abacha taking over from Ernest Shonekan's short lived interim Government on November 17th 1993.
It was a thing of public knowledge that Babangida was not in a hurry to vacate the political scene, but Nzeribe lent himself to be used for the diabolical annulment of June 12 1993 election.
Even up till June 12 2017, The 1993 Elections can not be discussed without mentioning Authur's Name..
Authur Nzeribe was amongst the most Powerful Ibos in the Abacha's Regime due to his Relationship with the last Military Adminstration of IBB which Abacha was the Chief of Army Staff. His Re He was a member of the Cabal who This time he came up with a new baby, Union of Democratically Elected Representatives of Nigeria (UDERN) which championed the call for Abacha's self-succession, on the gratuitous assumption that Nigeria would disintegrate if Abacha did not succeed himself. As the Heaven's would have it, Abacha did not Live to see another Election in Nigeria And Nigeria did not disintegrate. The country became stronger as democracy was allowed to flourish by the military junta that took over after Abacha's death.
Nzeribe called The Same Abacha as the "Hostage" of the Northern Agenda


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