'' In Nigeria, we elected our own natural disaster called Muhammadu Buhari!'' ; Reno Omokri
![Image may contain: 1 person, indoor and closeup](https://scontent.flos2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/cp0/e15/q65/s320x320/16507808_10211494635418828_7426523049587545248_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9&_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeFfm36NjW_rihXjAIx7bGzFaGzx78ccQpF7_M8svW9c60_0PLj0WBJQ4VmRmlLMGEOeasuOpSk_bbTKYkFwSczm1m54Be3rDuDM6YgX2cEW7g&oh=b52df7388157a75083481ee58dcd432a&oe=5A78CC29)
''In Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico, they are enduring their natural disaster. In Nigeria, we elected our own natural disaster called Muhammadu Buhari! Just imagine that hurricane ravaged Perto Rico still generates more electricity than Nigeria. Natural disasters like hurricanes are better than Nigeria's current rulers.''
''In five years President Goodluck Jonathan spent ₦16 trillion. The economy grew. Naira was stable.
In two years President Muhammadu Buhari spent ₦15 trillion. We had recession. Naira collapsed.
Yet Buhari called Jonathan clueless but Jonathan has not called Buhari clueless. See life?''
'' Kachikwu exposes the Muhammadu Buhari administration' s
alleged corruption, suddenly his house catches fire. Fayose declares
for the Presidency, his aides arrested. Atiku indicates interest in the
Presidency, his most lucrative contract is terminated by the government.
Are all these coincidences or is there a hidden finger coordinated
these happenings?''
In two years President Muhammadu Buhari spent ₦15 trillion. We had recession. Naira collapsed.
Yet Buhari called Jonathan clueless but Jonathan has not called Buhari clueless. See life?''
'' Kachikwu exposes the Muhammadu Buhari administration'
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