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Nigeria would have been a great nation if we were 80% immigrants like the United States or all descendants of freed slaves like Trinidad and Tobago and Haiti. But unfortunately we are all aborigines of our communities and established nations in our rights before the formation of Nigeria and had our own value systems, cultures, laws, norms and traditions. We had our own distinct armies and our various forms of education. We had our own different languages, none of us spoke the English language. We had different ethnic nations independently managing their affairs with little interferences of neighbors.
In the north, the largest tribe constitute the Hausa with a mixture of Fulani who ruled them. They began to develop into a nation when the Fulani conquered the Hausa and adopted their language as national tongue and used the Hausa to conquer more ethnic nations into their Fulani emirate. They were still expanding their nation until Britain came and cut it short.
In the West, there were two sister nations. One was the Oyo empire and the other the Benin empire. The Oyo is basically central to northern Yoruba while the Benin empire was a mixture of conquered ethnic nationalities which paid their loyalty to the godking (Oba) of Benin otherwise called the Benin empire. They sprang from Western Igbo land through southern Yoruba to present day Benin republic which took her name from her parent city (Benin city).
The next which lies on the east of the sister nations of Benin and Oyo otherwise called Oduduwa is Biafra. Biafra is a nation built out of business relationships of the coastal ethnic nationalities of the IJAW, Ogoni, Ibibio, Efik etc and their neighbors in the hinterland (IGBO) which served as Biafra market centre and the coasts as Biafran export outlets. This business relationship grew for centuries and with time started including some ethnic nationalities of the Benin empire like the Urhobo, Itshekiri etc thereby forming new nation states with mixed heritage like the Aniomas, Onitsha, Kwale, Ukwanni, Agbor, Ikwerre etc. The relationship between the ethnic nationalities of Biafra unlike the others was a true confederation where there were no clear centres but clear brotherhood as familiarities and families has been built over centuries.
These nations operated separately and independently.
Do not forget, these nations were formed naturally over hundreds of years. Through this time, they built their ideologies and shared cultures which evolved into new cultures and new languages. They may not have spoken the same languages like in the case of Biafra and the Benin but they still recognised themselves as one people and communicated by learning each other's languages.
One day, some foreigners just conquered all of them and forced them into one state.
When he joined, Oyo, Benin and Biafra together it wasn't so much of a crash because Benin and Biafra had ethnic nationalities in common which served like border nations and same with Benin and Oyo but when the Fulani caliphate was joined with them, it became a totally different story because they all had nothing in common with the caliphate except wars and dragging of boundary towns which Oyo had already lost Ilorin to the Fulani caliphate. Biafra on the other hand doesn't even know whether the caliphate even existed except the most northern Biafran ethnic nationalities like Igala and Idoma who fought them until the coming of the Whiteman.
The Whiteman because of his desire to never let us have a central progressive thinking unit where we can come to understanding and forge a future for ourselves ensured they kept close contact with their destructive tools and constantly control them to never leave their fighting attitude but fuel their innate craving to conquer to the sea and have all nations as their religious slaves provided they remain loyal to Britain.
Provided Nigeria is one, the true nature of the nations within it will never come to limelight. We must go back to our natural states if we want to make progress like other developed nations in the world.
In Nigeria, all we do is fight each other because that was the only relationship we had with the north before Britain and that is the only thing we will keep doing within our souls but be lying to ourselves that we are at peace.
We must return home or we all sacrifice our destinies and that of generations to come in Nigeria. Neither the Fulani caliphate, the two Oduduwa nations nor Biafra is free. We are just the most outspoken because we have suffered the most in the unholy union.
Let us go and the whole world will be better for it. Keep us continually in bondage and Africa will never be free and the rest of the world will never stop having African migrants seeking better lives in their countries.
The choice is the world's to make.
Tari Nemi
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