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By Chioma Powers
I have my Biafran flag mounted in my home here in US with PRIDE!
Some neighbors or some people taking an evening stroll will our walk by, get inquisitive and ask me what the flag is for and I tell them about my new country - "Biafra" in the making and they are excited for me and congratulate us.
I have 3 brothers in total, who are highly intelligent and have graduated with the most envious of degrees and still can't get wonderful jobs in the so-called Nigeria after many years...10, 15, 20, years and counting... one finally branched out into business that won't thrive with all the money and adverts and resourcefulness
And the other brother who just migrated here barely 7 months ago and he has already purchased his first car by working hard. The kind of car many show off with and brag about in Nigeria and he got it here like no sweats. But simply by working hard!!! That is the dream Nigeria should have offered us.
The sordid stories of kidnappers, armed robbery and rituals arise cos the system made them so.
I have a sister who lost her job in an Oil company cos she went for a maternity leave and her boss installed his mistress to take her place and no one fought for her.
I left Nigeria during the first OBJ presidency. All man want to have sex with a female before you get a job and I am brilliant to a large extent, but that means nothing.
I then started a clothing store after my service year...I was the major competition back then with "Collectibles" Clothing store based in Rumuola, PH...their very first flagship store. But my shop was broken into 3 times in 6 months and I have a police station right opposite it!
When I went to report it, they asked why I did not bring kola and drinks for them when I started the shop. And since I did not bring those bribes so they can do their job, they will ignore whatever happens to my shop.
On one of their onslaughts, I believe it was the third and final one that informed me to leave that country, my younger sister through some kind of bravery locked one of the thieves inside the store with her inside...guns and all and started to scream "Thief, thief"...I still don't know how she got such bravery that could have easily cost her her life. Neighbors were finally able to apprehend one of the thieves, took him to the police station and the Police allowed him escape the following morning. They claimed he broke through the roof.
This is a true story. I have witnesses here on fb.
My cousins can attest to it. I don't want to tag them for safety purposes but they are reading...
I have friends with similar experiences...t
Nigeria has failed me and has failed my family and friends and many of you out there. Maybe that's why I just can't comprehend why anyone will continue to celebrate a failure in their lives or why anyone will dress up their kids in a traditional attire for an October 1st celebration when you are still living in bondage.
My dad was in the Biafran war and told us how he almost got buried alive by a shrapnel. Most of us are still dressing up for October 1st cos our parents bought the costumes...and today we are still here.
What are you teaching your kids?
That they should accept slavery?
I have lived here for 16 years and US is a sovereign nation but do not cage you either an an immigrant or a citizen. I naturalized about 12 years ago and I can run for any political position of my choice, put up flags of any country I want and buy or build a house in any part of this country and no one will threaten me or ask me to relocate to the "South East"!
But in Nigeria, when you put up a flag that does not have the Nigerian coat of arms or color, people will call it treason in a country where I was born. Sad slavery mentality.
I have had hopes upon hopes for Nigeria and that was why I joined the campaign for Gej. So I understand to a large extent why people keep hoping but you are on a wild goose chase. That change will never happen as long as you have that military constitution that favors the North or that great desparity between the Northern and Southwest/
They won't explain to you cos you don't ask questions or read. It is a plan to keep you blind. No matter the change you want, your senators CANNOT bring it to reality cos they are outnumbered by the North!!! So your few political leaders of SouthEast who are lucky to get political positions stay on and betray you cos they will rather make money and feed their families than be struck off. They are also afraid and desperate like you. They are after their stomachs and want to feed their families first. It is a natural survival instinct.
So far, the only person that has stood up and spoken up for us is Nnamdi Kanu. And he really doesn't have to because his life is relatively good in far away UK before now, but he knows our pains.
Biafrans, and all lovers of fairness, PLEASE do not celebrate October 1st tomorrow. It is evil and it is meant to mentally hold us down. Stand up and be counted.
God bless Nnamdi Kanu - The Ohamadike 1 of Biafra land.
Ok I will stop. This is getting too long and I hate writing...
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