David Ibiyeomie gave out over 120million naira for scholarship to over 700 students and pupils
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The Salvation Ministries Annual Scholarship award was set up with the sole aim to be a channel of blessing to humanity.
It is one of the various avenues Salvation Ministries use to give back something positive to the society. In obedience to the scriptural injunction in Gal.6:10 which says, ‘As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith’, Salvation Ministries today reached out to members of her household as God has given her the opportunity to do so because charity begins at home.
When you give a child education, you have given him/her a chance to a brighter future.
The best gift from a father to his child is education and upbringing. That is why David Ibiyeomie as the spiritual father of members of Salvation Ministries gave out over 120million naira for scholarship to over 700 students and pupils of the commission as against 538 recipients of 2016.
He urged the students to utilize the money judiciously to build a brighter future for themselves and for the society.
He prayed that the money will not run dry but will keep multiplying in their hands. He decreed that they will be so blessed as to become blessings to others too.
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