Michael Evans
has there own opinion, i hope mayweather wins because i hate mcgregor
but in the end it comes down to who wants it more and who has more
heart. If i was a betting man id bet floyd whens because mcgregor gets
wore out easy and mayweather can stand there and dodge punches all day.
They both are counter punchers but the only way i see mcgregor wining is
if he knocks out mayweather in the first 3 rounds if not mayweather
will pick him apart
Jakob Wolfe
is a defensive fighter who doesn't knock people out. He literally goes
for points and waits them out. Mcgregor is a UFC fighter who trains to
take people to the ground and knock people out. Plus Connor also boxes
and uses the same gloves as Floyd. So Floyd honestly has a disadvantage.
Connor also weighs more. So I mean people who think mayweather has the
upper hand is smoking crack.
Jakob Wolfe
the black people siding with Floyd are only siding with him because
he's black. I just think there a difference between a boxer and a UFC
fighter. If was a street fight Connor would still have the advantage.
Shaquille Miller
race has nun to do with it period
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