Diggy says Melancholy don't match my Melanin
![Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor](https://scontent.flos2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/cp0/e15/q65/p480x480/21077343_1839717862711874_6377675761112468966_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9&_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeHqzWTiW3V35iZpP7CVmTM1kAhw4z6fX1sM7d2u6icsSM-FLq68bS6BMvI_1N-t8DrQTHOs1e8WaWoSlLjrqqCI8dfFZwojdLdABAIB5t843Q&oh=38618062471a17c2ba627c78e808e06f&oe=5A5C97FA)
Melancholy don't match my Melanin
Cause Race Related Riots
Are aligned within my Heritage.
They'd rather I'm compliant then defiant, as we're perishing.
But we'll triumph with alliance as we're eyeing what we're merited.
In the wake of every rally, shooting, murder, harassment, and all of the above.. I pose the same question to myself. How much injustice needs to take place until we are where we deserve to bev? Some days I'm enraptured with what seems to be genuine progress. When disasters occur like the ones as of recent, our journey seems far more daunting. I can only feel as though we'll advance in our efforts to equality, by educating each other, supporting each other, and loving each other, as we continue to fight the good fight.
Story for @adayliving / Words by me.
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