Kumuyi To Storm Eleme This September
Kumuyi To Storm Eleme This September
By Godwin Stephen
The General Overseer of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Pastor W.F. Kumuyi will be in Eleme local government this September for a crusade tagged: “Total Emancipation”.
Confirming this to Inside Eleme Newspaper, the Regional Overseer, Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Eleme, Pastor Michael Akpoi said after the crusade held at Bori in Khana local government area, where Pastor Kumuyi ministered and lives where touched, people in Eleme and environs started requesting for same experience. He said that led the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) to partner with Deeper Christian Life Ministry to organize the crusade. His words: “The brain behind the programme is PFN in collaboration with Deeper Life but it is a PFN programme.
![Image may contain: 1 person, smiling](https://scontent.flos2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-0/cp0/e15/q65/p600x600/21122436_1868893340094304_3510002804546074238_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9&_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeGi8hi5vPdli1khYGa9AZ1n-8ThBbMxxW7GBwiAN9QxdGolPvsnhcgCiNwHDQ5cKyHdNFOmbPUjac_Z_ddQdVru2v9bDbDWiEiYAz1JXucI3g&oh=5648adafdac8c1040a6ef53990380353&oe=5A58E745)
credit to Inside Eleme Newspaper
By Godwin Stephen
The General Overseer of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Pastor W.F. Kumuyi will be in Eleme local government this September for a crusade tagged: “Total Emancipation”.
Confirming this to Inside Eleme Newspaper, the Regional Overseer, Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Eleme, Pastor Michael Akpoi said after the crusade held at Bori in Khana local government area, where Pastor Kumuyi ministered and lives where touched, people in Eleme and environs started requesting for same experience. He said that led the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) to partner with Deeper Christian Life Ministry to organize the crusade. His words: “The brain behind the programme is PFN in collaboration with Deeper Life but it is a PFN programme.
![Image may contain: 1 person, smiling](https://scontent.flos2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-0/cp0/e15/q65/p600x600/21122436_1868893340094304_3510002804546074238_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9&_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeGi8hi5vPdli1khYGa9AZ1n-8ThBbMxxW7GBwiAN9QxdGolPvsnhcgCiNwHDQ5cKyHdNFOmbPUjac_Z_ddQdVru2v9bDbDWiEiYAz1JXucI3g&oh=5648adafdac8c1040a6ef53990380353&oe=5A58E745)
credit to Inside Eleme Newspaper
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